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- Give the required testings
- Select the Universities
- Start writing the SoP
- Prepare the Documents
- Organize your materials
- Ask your Evaluators
- Fill out the forms.
- Send materials required
You have to give various tests before you can apply. If you are applying to Engineering stream, then you might have to write GRE and TOEFL examinations. While plethora of sites can give you information on what GRE/TOEFL tests are and how how to prepare for them, I recommend you to check out these links for GRE and TOEFL which give you some wisdom you wouldn't get elsewhere. Depending on your department and the university you are applying to, you might also have to give AGRE (subject GRE). Check out the various university sites for information whether it requires AGRE.
Select the Universities:
The main article is here.
Start writing your SoP:
It takes time to write your Statement of Purpose. Two months would be a great amount of time to make a great SoP. The article at SoP might help.
Prepare the Documents:
- You will require an official copy of your Transcript. So get it in your college. Apply as soon as possible since, depending on how many people are applyin to foreign universities, towards the deadlines a lot of people will apply for Transcript, which will cause delay in obtaining the official copies. Generally the procedure is that you get the Transcripts and then xerox it say 2xnumber of universities you are applying and submit them along with those many number of envelopes (small air mails) to your Dean's office. They will arrange the Dean to sign on the Transcript and then put it in the envelope, close it and put a seal over the envelope so that it becomes an 'official' copy. Do this procedure immediately after your semester starts.
- Apply for Passport. Passport takes a variable amount of time to obtain. So you must have it well before you apply. If you are applying in say fall 2009, you must have your Passport by fall 2008 which means you must apply in Jan 2008. Generally it takes three months to get, but sometimes it gets delayed. Be on the safer side.
- Scan your Transcript and Passport once you get them. Conver them into PDF files.
- Make your Resume. There are various places where you can get information on how to write resumes. The links on the right might help I guess :) Moreover, its not a resume that you write for Job interview, this one for apping must be different. Make sure your resume is within 2-3 pages and is of small size. Get a doc, pdf as well as text version of it (so that you can copy paste it at various places while filling the online forms)
- Make a Website and upload the documents you have including the Resume. Check out the main article here.
Its important that you organize your materials. Since in due couse of time you will find that you have ten different resumes scattered all your computer. Follow this article, please.
Ask your Evaluators:
You must ask your evaluators whether they will give you a recommendation letters. Better don't give their names and then tell them that you have given their references. Also ask in advance. Some professors might get busy and towards the end say that its not possible to give!
Fill out the Forms:
Each university has its own online form. Moreover, some universities depend on external agents like Embark or Apply Yourself to provide them with this infrastructure. All you need to do is to spot the link, bookmark it and then start filling it out (by registering). Some forms might generate online code which you can put on the envelopes to be sent. Also get a credit card ready to pay all the universities. Its neat and simple that way.
Send the materials required:
Most of the universities require you to send one or two copies of the official copy of your Transcript. Some might require you to send a photocopy of passport or your resume etc. It depends on the university and you should check out the Admissions site of the university thoroughly to get all information required.
Next : Tips and Tricks
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