This is the time when you actually apply to the universities through online forms and send the packets to the universities. The online forms are tedious and yet crucial. You must make sure that you haven't made a single mistake in the form. Get hold of a credit card to pay all the fee. Some universities might require you to take a print out of the final page and send it along with the transcripts. So you might consider first filling up the forms and then sending your materials. Send it well in advance. Generally couriers take about 5 days or less. But don't take the risk.
On the various envelopes that you put in the packet, write your full name, institute, what program you are applying to, for example "MS Applicant for Fall 2009" etc, also your date of birth (like 2nd Jan 198x instead of 2/1/198x).
Put a copy of your resume in your packet if your online application doesn't ask for it. Better would be to put it in any additional documents field or to put them along with the transcript pdf ( so upload a single pdf containing the transcript followed by the resume).
If you have publications, then you can also upload an abstract of your publications.
Once you are done with all universities, its some time for have fun.
Hope my website helped you. Thanks and All the Best for your Apping!!
Bokays and brickbats can be sent to callsmahesh at
Labels: online form, packets, payment
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